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Scalp Micro Pigmentation In Bangalore


Scalp Micro pigmentation

 is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that mimics the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp. It is a popular option for people with hair loss, thinning hair, or alopecia. The procedure involves depositing tiny pigment dots into the upper dermis of the scalp using a special tattoo machine. The pigment is carefully matched to the individual’s natural hair color to create a realistic, natural-looking effect.

The SMP process typically involves several sessions over a few weeks. During each session, the technician applies a topical anesthetic to the scalp to numb the area. Then, they use a special tattoo machine with fine needles to deposit pigment into the skin. The pigment is deposited in a series of dots, which creates the illusion of hair follicles.

SMP is a good option for people who are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. It is also a good option for people who are not satisfied with the results of other hair loss treatments. However, SMP is not a suitable option for everyone. People with certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema, may not be good candidates for the procedure.

SMP can provide instant results, giving you a fuller head of hair immediately after the procedure. SMP creates a very natural-looking appearance that is difficult to distinguish from real hair.

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